Saving the Home and StudioThe task of saving both the home and studio of R. Harold Zook was a job the Hinsdale Historical Society did not take lightly. Back in 2004, when it was learned that a developer had purchased the home and studio at 327 South Oak Street in Hinsdale, Illinois with plans to demolish, the Society found themselves in a situation where action had to be taken. However, to save one of Hinsdale’s most historically and architecturally significant homes was a feat that required support beyond the Society. Due to the amazing generosity of donors, and the remarkable collaboration of dedicated architects, preservationists, and supporters, R. Harold Zook’s home and studio have been saved from demolition.
The 1924 home and studio, designed and occupied by R. Harold Zook until his death in 1949, were moved to Katherine Legge Memorial Park by house movers, Dillabaugh, Inc., of Crown Point, Indiana in May of 2005. Since then, the Society has worked to raise awareness and funds to begin the task of rehabilitating this invaluable piece of Hinsdale’s unique heritage. To date, the Society has, among many other projects related to the home and studio, completely removed and replaced the unique pseudo-thatched roof, as well as completed the first floor of the Zook Studio. The Society has dedicated much time, money, and effort to this project. However there is still a great deal to be done, and your support is needed in order to preserve Zook’s legacy and Hinsdale’s distinctive character. Join us in preserving this important piece of our past! If you want to assist in any capacity with this very challenging preservation effort, please contact the Hinsdale Historical Society at Z[email protected] and find out how you can help in this once-in-a-life-time preservation effort. |